With the proliferation of tattoos in recent years, doctors have seen an increase in the number of people requesting
tattoo removal . Lasers work by producing short pulses of intense light that pass harmlessly through the top layers of the skin to be selectively absorbed by the
tattoo pigment . During
laser tattoo removal, the laser is used to selectively target and destroy the tattoo without damaging the surrounding tissue, which greatly decreases scarring.

Lasers have differing wavelengths and pulse durations, and different laser beams are absorbed by
specific colors, allowing physicians to choose the precise combination of lasers for the depth and color of a particular tattoo as well as for
multi-colored tattoos. With
any tattoo, color is very important. Tattoos need to have an equal balance of color, along with the right shape. Today, electronic tattoo machines are the most common
methods of tattooing. With electronic tattoo guns, the ink is injected into the skin by a group of needles that are attached to a bar. If an experienced
tattoo artist uses the gun, the results can be amazing. With the right tattoo artist and the right application technique - you should have a tattoo that you can be proud of.
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