Another tattoo design which is very popular is the fairy tattoo. Fairies presented as fairy tribal tattoos or fairy Celtic tattoos are absolutely popular with tattoo lovers. Designs of fairies are amalgamated with many other elements to give the fairy tattoos numerous looks. Fairy designs can be combined with flowers, hearts, crosses, glitter, suns, moons, stars and other fantasy themes to get more fairy tattoos. The fairy tattoos are also available in different colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet, as well as in black and white.
Fairy tattoos are tattooed as armbands, lower back pieces, on ankles, shoulders, the upper back area and chest area. In this age of information technology, it's pretty easy to locate fairy tattoos and other tattoo designs on the internet. Many tattoo sites have provisi ons of free tattoo designs, though the quality of these tattoos may not be that good. Fairy tattoos are fairly common in females as fairies are associated with the fair sex.
Source : http://tattoos.iloveindia.com/tattoo-designs/fairy-tattoos.html