Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Beauty of Flower Tattoo Designs

When it comes to flowers, there are really no limitations as to what can be tattooed. No matter what, flower tats will almost always look great on a woman especially when tattooed by an experienced tattoo artist/tattoo parlor using quality tattooing techniques. What this means is there are really no right or wrong when it comes to flower tat ideas. It is more a question of whether these designs suit the woman in question. We do have some flower tattoo ideas to help out women out there wanting to get one (or even in multiples).
First of all, the most obvious would be to choose between a black inked flower tat or a colored flower tat. While flower tats can still look good in black, flowers do bring out the life in these flowers especially when the flower tattoo ideas and designs are in 3D.
Next, flower tattoo ideas can also revolve around the type of flower itself. Although the most common and popular flower used in tattoos are roses, there are also many other flowers that have been tattooed and actually with great results to boot. They can include (but not limited) to orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, lilies and sunflowers.
Flower tattoo ideas can also come in the form of the number of flowers used in the design. For instance, a single rose may look good but when coupled with another bud, it can have adverse effects. On the same note, bouquets or bunches of flowers can also have positive effects. These flower tat ideas may also include other objects or even an image of a person on it. Guns, skulls, sun, women or body part can go well with these flower tats.
Among the most overlooked of flower tat ideas lies in the form of the placement of the tattoos in itself. Having the flower tattooed on the appropriate part of the body can accentuate that body part in question. It really comes down to the issue of how revealing the tattoo is intended to be and for whom the tattoo is targeted at (private or public).
The next tip or advice we have where flower tattoo ideas are concerned lies in the tattoo artist/parlor itself. An experienced and skilled tattoo artist can give you great ideas on the actual design or/and placement of the tattoo based on individual characteristics/personalities and other factors.
The above are only a handful of flower tat ideas and tips to help all those with interest and intentions in acquiring one. The best thing about them is they are constantly evolving in line with the current fashion and trends. In other words, one can almost never go wrong with a beautiful flower tattoo design!
FREE Tattoo Ideas
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Y.
Flower Tattoo Art - How to Get the Perfect One For You
First of all, look for a handsome pattern that will give you utmost pride as you wear such tattoo design on your body. Also, make it a point that there is a deeper meaning or story behind the design that you have personally picked. That way, when people ask you why you have chosen such beautiful designs of flowers, then you have a tale or story to tell, which will definitely give your body art a deeper meaning.
Also, make sure that you also look into the kind of shape that you will want to be drawn on your body. If you are a woman, you should instruct the local tattoo artist doing your markings that it should be something smaller considering you have a lighter and smaller built than a man. If you happen to be a member of the male population, then make sure that even though you are considering getting some flower designs as your body tattoo, you should find the flower tattoo art that will match your gender and will not lessen, but instead enhance your masculinity even more.
On the other hand, if you are a woman in search of an excellent flower tattoo art, make sure you ask your tattooist to do a tattoo which is exactly what you want from the smallest details of the size, the design, the colors, and several others. Such flower designs are actually symbolic of the true spirit and moral fiber of a person; and what is more, it can even bring out the feminine side of you upon wearing such flower tattoo designs. However, make sure that you have finalized all the details of the design you have chosen, so that when the local tattoo artist finally starts to draw or ink your tattoo marking, it will not be difficult for both of you since he already knows what you want.
Furthermore, if you prefer a flower tattoo design that depicts a religious meaning, representing your religious practices and beliefs, then it would be best to select the iris three-way petals as your tattoo design. Such design has actually been considered as a tattoo art that stands for the Holy Trinity, and with the colors symbolizing the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Last of all, you may also wish to have the flower tattoos in combination with birds, or in particular a hummingbird while enjoyably eating the flower's nectars from the flower designs drawn on your body.
If you want to get your body tattooed permanently with a Flower Tattoo Art, then it would be helpful if you know more about the various designs that go with such image. Just click HERE to know more about Tattoos.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Reugh
Lower Back Tattoos For Women - A Few Thoughts to Ponder Before Getting One

Ladies, if you are looking to get a lower back tattoo, here are few things to think about first. For some men, lower back tattoos on women can be a real turnoff. And besides being perceived as unattractive, your new ink may also trigger an intimidation factor in guys. The last thing you want to do is scare off your new prospect.
Now why would tattoos for women on the lower back potentially scare off some men you ask?
Perhaps because it expresses a sign of independence. It sends out a subliminal message to possible suitors that you are not in need. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and you don't need a man for support. I know...this may sound silly but it is true. Men are wired to be the care providers for women or the knight in shining armor so to speak. Something as simple as a butterfly or fairy tattoo design may suppress this trait in men and may have them looking elsewhere for other partners.
But why would men find my lower back tattoo unattractive?
Well, there are a few reasons. First, a tattoo on a sexy part of the woman's body may send a signal to men that you are promiscuous or flirty. This, in itself, may suggest to men that you have had several sex partners in the past or that you are "very experienced." Some men may find this to be a huge turn on but others may find it to be a huge turn off. It just depends on the man.
Second, not all men feel comfortable about introducing Mom and Dad to a woman with a lower back tattoo. This is only because those men have a pretty good idea of what their parents find to be acceptable. For a lot of parents, tattoos on the lower back may convey the same suggestions of promiscuity.
Lastly, some men may just not prefer lower back tattoos on women. It's as simple as that. Some guys just see them as being unattractive. Then again, some men may find them to be incredibly appealing.
So what can you do?
If you are considering getting a tattoo and you are already in a relationship, run it by your (serious) boyfriend first. Bring it up casually in conversation. See what kind of response it provokes out of him. You might even say, "My friend got a tribal butterfly tattoo on her lower back...what do you think of that." This way at least you have some idea.
You could also just not really care what anybody thinks. If you want a tattoo, then get a tattoo. After all, that's what a tattoo is about, right? It's an open and free form of expression. Why should you care what anybody thinks? Just be sure that the tattoo you get is the right one and has special meaning to you and you only. Don't get something that you will regret 10, 20, or even 30 years down the road.
To discover the greatest lower back tattoos for women, be sure to visit http://www.tribalbutterflytattoos.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Stanwick
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

You see cherry blossom tattoos on many women these days as these such designs have grown in popularity among tattoo aficionados and first timers alike. This rush for distinct tattoos of cherry blossoms has given rise to a great interest in the meaning and symbolism of the cherry blossom in both the Chinese and Japanese cultures.
Since tattoos are very personal things, they can say a lot about a person so getting the right tattoo for the right reason is important. Since cherry blossoms mean different things in Chinese and Japanese society you should be aware that peoples of those backgrounds might react quite differently when they see it.
Cherry Blossoms In China
The Chinese see the cherry blossom as a symbol of power, particularly of the dominance of the feminine persona. This could mean a blossom tattoo is ideal for you if you are a strong willed woman who values her liberty and freedom or if you have recently come out of a difficult relationship.
It also stands for love if you are coming from the herbal lore approach.
Cherry Blossoms In Japan
In Japanese culture there is often a link between the blossoming of cherry tress and the Buddhist concept of "mono no aware" which refers to the reverence for life, the transience of being and the sadness at the passing of things. This is because cherry blossoms only appear on tress for short times before they fall to the ground.
This association with mortality is highly symbolic in Japan and has been used in traditional art there for many centuries along with more recent manga or anime. This link may however make a tattoo of cherry blossoms unsuitable for some. Alternatively, it may give you renewed appreciation for the fragility of life and help you make the most of your brief time on this Earth, while bringing you a different perspective on the hard times you may face; knowing that they will not last forever.
Getting A True Reflection Of Cherry Blossom In Your Tattoo
While it is true that there are many different varieties of cherry blossom, many people do not appreciate just how different looking they can be. In fact, the most common cherry tree in Japan is Somei Yoshino which has largely white blossom with only the faintest hint of pink on the petals.
Other popular choices do have very much more pink in their blossom and it is these that you will more commonly see as tattoos. But still, this is something you will have to think about when getting your tattoo. You should do some research, find pictures of tattoos other people have had and decide which you prefer. It might depend on your skin tone; those with pale skin will definitely want a more pink design whereas tanned or olive skinned people should think about paler pink or white flowers in their designs.
You should also think about how much of the branch to integrate into the overall tattoo design. Realism would dictate that you have a fair bit of branch with flowers clumped together along it but it will probably come down to both personal taste and where you intend the tattoo to be.
Getting Your Tattoo Done
If you have decided upon a tattoo incorporating cherry blossoms you should be very selective over whom you get to apply the design to your skin. Japanese art is very intricate as is the cherry tree itself so you need somebody who has experience in this type of tattoo. Make sure you talk over with them exactly what you want and don't be afraid to ask for amendments to their initial drawings so that the finished article is something you are happy to live with for the rest of your life.
So there you have it, I hope this overview of the meaning and symbolism of the cherry tree blossom has been useful in making up your mind about that tattoo you've been after.
Steve Waller has been a tattoo fan for years. Check out this brand new way to find cherry blossom tattoo designs online that you can print off and take along to any tattoo artist in your area.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Waller
Most Popular Women's Tattoo Designs - Wrist, Upper Back and Side Designs For Girls
Most people have been starting to notice that over the past few years the whole world has changed. One segment that has really seen phenomenal growth in the arena of tattoos and tattoo design has been that of women's tattoo designs. It used to be that very few women would get tattoos and those that did often got small designs that would be covered up. However, that is luckily no longer the case and more and more women are getting tattoos these days than ever before. The great part about this growth is that it has lead to many more women getting into the field of tattooing and there are more female tattoo artists than ever before. Thus has lead to many more designs being produced for women. In the past the market was such a small segment that flash artists often would not develop much flash or many tattoo designs specifically targeted to women. These days though it is such a large sector of the tattoo world that there is more and more women's tattoo designs being developed all the time. Now women are starting to push the envelope and starting to create their own new trends and hot ideas in tattoo design.
Here are some of the most popular location and designs for women.
Feminine Wrist Tattoos
Feminine wrist tattoos have been a very popular trend recently. There are a lot of different designs that can work well for the wrist. There are full wrap around tattoo designs that are often done as floral tattoos. Also under wrist single word tattoos are very popular for women these days.
Feminine Upper Back Tattoos
One of the more recent and quickly growing trends in women tattoo designs are upper back tattoos. Throughout the 90's the lower back tattoo was all the rage. However, this tattoo has been kind of overdone and now women are seeking out other locations to get tattoos done. One of the more popular options these days is the upper back and even full back tattoo designs. Some women are still getting lower back tattoos but instead of the small lower back they are getting large designs that start on the lower back and come up mid way and create a whole scene of something like fairies or angels in the forest as an example.
Side Tattoos For Women
Another trend that many women are getting into is side tattoos. These often start low down by the hips and then come up the side and onto the rib cage. This allows for a pretty big area and can accommodate a large tattoo design. The benefits of bigger tattoos are they can be more intricate and detailed then a small one. Words and literary tattoos are one of the most popular design options for this location on the body. Also koi fish and dragons are gaining in popularity for side tattoos. Of course the floral and flower tattoo designs can also work very well on the side and make for a particularly stunning tattoo.
Whatever area you choose to get a tattoo inked on your body you now know that there are so many more options out there. Hopefully the ideas and locations provided in this article will give you some good places to start and some basic ideas to run with. Make sure to take your time and find designs that you like to use as a resource when you create your own unique tattoo.
For more great designs ideas and useful and free tips check out these incredible site on Tattoos For Women Also you will want to check out this hot site with more great information and a site that is dedicated to bringing you the top designs for Tattoos On Feet
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Ryerson
Rib Cage Tattoos Ideas - What Works For Men and Women

Getting a rib cage tattoo is a decision not to be taken lightly. A tattoo on the rib cage is one of the most painful tattoo locations on the body. If you have a toned and athletic body and are considering this tattoo, just be sure your tolerance for pain is high. Before reviewing rib cage ideas, know that the process of getting a tattoo done on your rib cage is quite uncomfortable and often accompanied by lots of pain. Rib cage tattoos are often large in size and therefore require a lot of time to get completed. If you have already deciding on getting a rib cage tattoo, then understand that differences exist in what works for a man or woman.
Women like to get rib cage tattoos that start at the hip portion of the rib cage and continue to the breast area. This type of tattoo is very popular as it provides a huge canvas area to work with. A toned body is almost a requirement if you want to have your tattoo stand out and look elegant. These tattoos are specially design and carved to highlight the natural curves and features of the female body. The most popular tattoo ideas for women are: quotes or sayings in a stylish font, tribal artwork, dragons, soft colored pink leaves and twigs, flowers of all sorts, vines, butterfly, angels, moons, cherry blossoms, swallows and stars. Some ladies have even had entire poems tattooed on their cages.
Others have opted for a single word or name, such as Peace, Love, or the name of the special person in their life. Some Hollywood superstars, such as Megan Fox, have had this type of tattoo done. She chooses to have a quote that had special meaning in her own life. That is an excellent idea for someone wanting something personal and truly significant as their tattoo.
Men tend to choose tattoos that are masculine and hardcore in nature. Some are the most popular ideas for men are snakes, birds, dragons and koi fish. Guardian angels are also very popular. It is very common for men to go for rib cage tattoos involving script or words. These are often done in specially selected Old English fonts or handwritten fonts. The key is to choose a font with lots of strong lines and beautifully crafted design. Tribal designs, crosses, swords, dragons, single word quotes and sayings are also popular with men. A super idea for both sexes is tattoos featuring Celtic artwork, butterflies, and koi fish designs. Special tattoo lettering, often in a foreign language, has been gaining in popularity in recent years.
It is recommended that you conduct research in all aspects of obtaining a tattoo. Do not discount the pain factor, as it will be more painful to get a tattoo done on you rib cage, than on any other part of your body. Whatever design you choose, make sure you go to a professional tattoo artist to have the work done.
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For samples of high quality tattoos you can give directly to your tattoo artist, please Click Here.
A tattoo is a BIG decision, make sure you get exactly what you want!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Christodoulou
Monday, May 24, 2010
Flower Tattoo
Flower Tattoo Art - How you can get the perfect one for
If you do not know, make a flower tattoo art, closely related to have an attractive flower pattern. In fact, some body work done by the placement of signs on the choice depends on the tattoo design. But do not look stylish and trendy designs for tattoos can tell you an amazing tattoo art with flowers, but at the same time, will be more meaningful. Here you need to know about getting one are a few other things:
Full body tattoo designs as you wear your pride will see first, a handsome pattern. In addition, there are points on the deep meaning, or design you have picked a personal story behind the check. That way, people like you flowers you choose a beautiful design, why, then, the deeper meaning will certainly give the body art has a story, or stories.
Also, you can also type in what shape you want to be painted on your body make sure you can see. If you are a woman, you sign your local tattoo artist has a little something to be considered should be directed to the construction of lighter and smaller than a human. You should happen to be a member of the male population, then you consider a tattoo design, flower tattoo, even if the body is short, you're right you will not decrease your sex have to find a flower tattoo art sure, but improve even more men.
You are a woman in search of art, flower tattoo is really good on the other hand, give you the right to tattoo a tattoo the size of your design, color, from the smallest details and ask me if you want, and some others. A flower tattoo design is really symbolic of the true spirit and moral person, and most importantly, it also put a flower tattoo design has a feminine side after. Local tattoo artists, tattoo or ink marks the end you begin to draw the design of your choice but when you have completed all the details, so, since she already knows what you want may be difficult for both of you.
You explain the meaning of religion and flowers tattoo design if you prefer to also represent the religious practices and beliefs, your tattoo design on the petals of the three pieces is recommended to choose the way so. The actual design of the Trinity stands tattoo art was considered a symbol of the Virgin Mary the color. By Russell
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Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Japanese Tattoo
Women Japanese Tattoo Designs
In recent years Japan has been the resurrection of the tattoo. Such as the revival of Japanese tattoo art can be very beautiful, you can understand. Some things can be tracked back thousands of years! Nowadays, they are popular in both sexes. Japanese tattoo design you are interested in women, is here to help you with your choice are several.
Understanding the history of
Tattooing in Japan is the traditional date back several centuries. For centuries, most of the people, art, most people have not received. Although the ancient Japanese tattoo are usually associated with criminals. Even some brands are associated with criminals. Yakuza branding of the time (3 patients) were kept. Gang tattoos on their chosen lifestyle will be displayed.
As the art in recent decades, the organization has not been associated with many of Japan's young people are getting tattoos more mainstream. This is your art, or Japan, and the broad trends that will be sort of, in Europe and North America spread to. Now, many people of all ages, women in Japan has begun the design of the tattoo.
Designed for Women
Here are some good looking women are the most popular designs. There are many women tend to prefer a particular image, but you of course you are free to choose the design you want.It's a cherry tree
Perhaps the most popular flower in Japan, cherry blossoms, respect for the beauty and the food. They are how fragile life can be beautiful and symbolize. Even the cherry blossom samurai honor, write a poem about flowers. Nowadays, many women may choose to get tattoos cherry. Just find a picture of flowers and you'll understand why they are respected!
Geisha Tattoo
Both men and women of his Japanese tattoo geisha designs are included. They are mere "pineopboda" model, they have a very liberal traditions of Japanese culture, training, and women are noble. They have a beautiful very talented. They sing, dance, play musical instruments, complete with tea to follow, the teachings and general hosting. By Terry Daniels
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Temporary Tattoos
Explore options when considering temporary tattoos
temporary tattoos that do not have the stomach for the real heart is an alternative. One benefit of the temporary tattoos that they do not require stitches, and therefore did not require pain. In contrast to the fact that they are an attractive option for many people. You disgust after changing a deliberate pain and suffering a number of options for the rights of temporary tattoos often.
The most inexpensive option is the body art temporary tattoos dikeolneun rampant. In places like a rubber ball machines can be found in a Cracker Jack box. Quick and easy, these tattoos are usually for a few days, but if you want to apply the trivial last you can download faster.
Stickers on the other hand is a piece of thin cardboard and is located in the skin. Corrugated cardboard strips flow in the skin to transfer stickers. If you remove the paper, after the sticker appears on the left and right. This process is very simple, pain, and takes about 30 seconds.
Realistic airbrush tattoo body art, but those who can not handle the needle you want to find the best solution possible. Tattoos tend to be slightly longer than other types of stickers. Temporary tattoos, custom tattoos by looking at other types of displays, unlike the artist's personality. A few other ad hoc style, but they are usually not only tribal tattoo designs are used for portrait style.
Another good gun to see the tattoo when you need them they will come from in a hurry. Body art, design artists who are outside the skin, usually use waterproof ink, but a little polishing. Mehndi, also known as henna tattoos, hand, wrist and arm complex design is the art of drawing. This design is often a lack of action from Asian countries are considered as works of art.
Henna is a brown color from the red ink is a natural dye plant. ink is actually absorbed into the skin tattoo ink is different from other styles temporary tattoos for work. By Mike Selvon
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Amazing Art of Shoulder Japanese Tattoo Ideas With Koi Fish Tattoo Designs With Image Shoulder Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Gallery